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A podcast about TV, Movies, and everything In between! 

Jun 28, 2023

The Flash wasnt exactly speedy getting into theaters, so we see if its worth waiting at the finish line for!  Then Jet Li’s The One gives us an alternate take on the multiverse – and isnt that the whole point? Then we talk the first episode of Secret Invasion, as if you needed more!  #flash #theone...

Jun 21, 2023

The big city toughens us up this week, as our train pulls into Elemental, and then rides the line further into Zootopia. People! (and elements, and animals) Can’t we all just get along? #elemental #pixar #zootopia #zootropolis #nickwilde #judyhopps #ember #wade #disney

Jun 14, 2023

This week we get to ‘thwip and release’ once more with your friendly neighborhood Miles Morales in Across the Spider-Verse, before plugging into ‘U’ with Belle.  Beauty is DENFINITELY in the eye of the beholder! #spiderman #acrossthespiderverse #milesmorales #belle #mamoruhosoda...

Jun 7, 2023

This week the ultra-gory Sisu proves that the best exploding body parts are Nazi exploding body parts, and Iron Sky then proves… err.. it’s a movie?  Join us as we attempt diplomacy in perhaps our most triggering episode yet! #sisu #ironsky #galcticstarcruiser #poprocks #rec2 #muppetsmayhem #politesociety