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A podcast about TV, Movies, and everything In between! 

Aug 7, 2019

This episode we welcome another flick into the ultra-exclusive 5 Bucket Club...the 1986 Stephen King weeper Stand By Me!  We join Vern, Gordie, Chris and Teddy on the train tracks and work out why this means so much to us...and everybody else.  So bring your blueberry pies and castor oil, because all we brought was a comb.  'When the night, has come...', listen to this episode! #tmipodcast #tmimovies #tmiconfessionals #standbyme #wilwheaton #riverphoenix #coreyfeldman #jerryoconnell #robreiner #stephenking #differentseasons #thebody #lardasshogan #choppersicballs #whatisgoofy